Free Gifts for Reviewing Dating Essentials for Men & DEFM:FAQ


Between now and February 10th, buy either of my Dating Essentials for Men books - print, Kindle, or audio – and post an Amazon review, I will give you:
  • FREE: The Dating Essentials for Men Workbook (PDF)
  • FREE: A 90-minute Ask Me Anything (AMA) webinar - with free recording you can keep.

After you post your review, take a screenshot and send to

The Free AMA webinar will be Saturday, 10 February at 10:00 AM PST.

Even if you cannot attend the webinar in person, you can submit questions in advance and receive the recording to keep.

Be sure and send the screenshot of your review to I will then send you your free PDF of The Dating Essentials for Men Workbook and your personal invitation to the AMA webinar.
