NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit

Essential Tools for Crafting a Masterful Life

The tools which would teach men their own use would be beyond price. Plato

NMMNG-TK-2The NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit is a compilation of over 25 years of resources Dr. Glover has created to help men get what they want in love, sex, and life.

Since the publication of the groundbreaking book, No More Mr. Nice Guy in 2003, thousands of men and women have taken his courses, attended his seminars, participated in his groups, and listened to his interviews and podcasts. Now for the first time, Dr. Glover has put the cream of the crop of these resources into one place.

This Toolkit is filled with all of Dr. Glover’s best stuff. Not only that, it will keep growing over time – indefinitely! Each month there will be a new live Q&A session, which will be recorded and added to the Toolkit. New recordings of interviews, meditations, and materials from Dr. Glover’s TPI workshops will be periodically added. Occasional discounts on products at will occasionally be offered – only available to people who have purchased the Breaking Free Toolkit.

The NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit represents an invaluable resource for every man who is serious about getting what he wants in love, sex, and life.

The best investment is in the tools of one’s own trade. Benjamin Franklin

No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit

Here is what is included in the No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit  

 Monthly Live Office Hours Q&A Call

Office HoursJoin Dr. Glover every month for a live, group Office Hours Q&A webinar. These monthly, 90-minute calls are exclusively for those who have purchased the NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit.

Your purchase of the NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit gets you 12 months’ worth of these live Office Hours calls. After your first year, you can sign up for additional yearly call packages (12 calls) at a minimal fee. Even after your initial 12 calls, you can still listen to the recordings of every future Office Hours which will be posted on the Toolkit resource page.

During Office Hours calls, you can ask Dr. Glover any question related to recovery from the Nice Guy Syndrome. Topics can include:

  • Overcoming toxic shame
  • Facing fears
  • Self-soothing
  • Relationships and sex
  • Living up to potential in work and career
  • Setting boundaries
  • Building connection with men

Every month Dr. Glover will change the day and time of the live Office Hours webinars to enable the greatest number of people around the world to attend live. All monthly calls are recorded and added to the Toolkit.

Recordings of Previous Office Hours

AudioDr. Glover has been hosting Office Hours calls for several years and has recorded and archived over 25 hours of these live Q&A sessions. These recordings – plus all future monthly Office Hours calls are available exclusively to purchasers of the NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit.

You can listen to previously recorded Office Hours calls in their entirety or listen to clips by subject. Either way, you’ll get to do a deep dive into Dr. Glover’s many years of experience and vast knowledge of recovery from the Nice Guy Syndrome.

Currently, there over 150 individual Mp3 clips covering every aspect of Nice Guy recovery. Got a question? Dr. Glover has probably answered it. Every month, Dr. Glover will be posting a new Office Hours recording in the archive. This means that the NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit will keep growing in value over the years.

Interviews With Dr. Glover

AudioThe No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit contains an archive of Dr. Glover’s favorite interviews from over the last several years. Because he does several interviews a month, the Toolkit archive will keep growing over time.

Dr. Glover is in popular demand on the podcast interview circuit. He typically gives two to three interviews a week. He has been interviewed by best-selling authors, A-list podcasters and social media personalities, and experts in many different fields.

Dr. Glover has picked several of his favorite interviews for the No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit. You can download and listen to these interviews in which he dives deep into a myriad of subjects related to the Nice Guy Syndrome. Since he continues to do frequent interviews, he will keep posting his favorites in the Breaking FreeToolkit and will send Toolkit purchasers notices of new content.

Long and Short Video Series

VideoThe Long and Short of Nice Guy Recovery is a recorded video series from a live workshop in Los Angeles. The No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit contains a dozen clips – over three hours – of information and tools for recovery from the Nice Guy Syndrome.
Top Intention Into Action Podcasts

AudioThe No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit includes 15 of Dr. Glover’s all-time best-selling Intention Into Action Podcasts. The podcasts included in the Toolkit contain a treasure trove of information to help you get what you want in love, sex, and life.

Soon after the publication of No More Mr. Nice Guy in 2003, Dr. Glover launched TPI University and began recording personalized responses to questions presented in class discussion forums. These recordings became the Intention Into Action Podcast series.

Dr. Glover’s podcasts have been downloaded thousands of times and have helped change the lives of countless men just like you. The No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit includes the following podcast series:

  • Intention Into Action Podcast 101001-101004: Four-Part Series on Personal Recovery from the Nice Guy Syndrome
  • Intention Into Action Podcast 130101-130104: A Four-Part Series on Being Your Authentic Self
  • Intention Into Action Podcast 130303-130304: A Two-Part Series Breaking the Porn and Fantasy Habit
  • Intention Into Action Podcast 121104-121201: A Two-Part Series on How to Avoid Losing Yourself in a Relationship
  • Intention Into Action Podcast 121003: Becoming the Non-Judgmental Observer of Self
  • Intention Into Action Podcast 101203: Opening Up A Woman Sexually
  • Intention Into Action Podcast 100401: A Reparenting Visualization
Recordings of Daily Practices and Meditations

PracticesDr. Glover has recorded several meditations and practices from his TPI workshops and made them a part of the No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit. These recordings include ideal life and reparenting visualizations, Qigong practices, Wim Hof breathing,  non-linear movement, plus more. Dr. Glover will be adding additional recordings over time.

Making any kind of significant shift in life usually means getting out of your head and into your body. Practices that allow you to access your unconscious mind by moving into your body help you quickly get unstuck and integrate new ways of feeling, thinking, and acting by bypassing the routines and defense mechanisms of the conscious, thinking mind.

In Dr. Glover’s in-person and online virtual TPI workshops, he typically leads participants through a variety of visualizations, meditations, and physical practices. Each recording ranges from 10 – 20 minutes and can be done solo or in a group. Just 20 minutes a day can help you start making a significant transformation in your life right now.

NMMNG Breaking Free Activities

BookThe groundbreaking book, No More Mr. Nice Guy contains 46 Breaking Free activities. Every Breaking Free activity is now contained in one downloadable PDF which is available exclusively in the NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit.

Now, instead of hunting for each Breaking Free activity in your print, digital, or audible version of No More Mr. Nice Guy, all can be accessed in one downloadable document.

Each Breaking Free activity from No More Mr. Nice Guy – 46 in all – is a powerful tool in your journey towards becoming an integrated male. This exclusive PDF will help speed up your recovery from the Nice Guy Syndrome and help you get what you want in love, sex, and life.

30 Rules for Life

30 rules for lifeOne of the almost-hidden gems in No More Mr. Nice Guy is Dr. Glover’s 30 Rules for Life. This list is now available in a downloadable, printable format only as a part of the No More Mr. Nice Guy Breaking Free Toolkit.

While wrapping up writing No More Mr. Nice Guy after six plus years, Dr. Glover sat down one day and made a list of the things that had made the biggest impact on his own experience breaking free from the Nice Guy Syndrome. He came up with a list of 30 rules that he included at the end of the book.

Dr. Glover’s 30 Rules for Life is a great cheat sheet to help you stay focused on getting what you want in love, sex, and life. Use this list as a starting point for making your own rules for life – it’s one more valuable tool in the NMMNG Breaking Free Toolkit.

The mechanic that would perfect his work, must first sharpen his tools. Confucius

Essential Tools for Crafting a Masterful Life

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All this for $300 USD

If my only tool is a hammer, then every problem is a nail. Sholem Asch
