Pick My Brain
How would you like a little of my time and expertise to ask a question about your personal recovery – and not have it cost you an arm and a leg?
Here’s your chance.
Announcing “Office Hours”
About twice a month I will schedule a 90-minute, live, online Q & A session with me that you can register for.
You can ask me any question about recovery from the Nice Guy Syndrome, dating, relationships, addiction, work and career, sex, fitness – whatever you’ve got going on in your life. I’ll give you my best answer to help you take the next step and move forward in your life.
How Office Hours works:
- Limit of 10 people per session.
- 90 minutes in duration.
- Each participant will receive a recording of the session.
- No guarantee that I will answer your question, but I will answer as many as possible during each session.
2 ways to increase the odds of my answering your question:
- Sign up for one of 3 “VIP” slots, whom I’ll answer first.
- Sign up ASAP. After the 3 VIPs, all others can ask a question in the order in which they registered. First come, first served.
- Even if you can't join me live, you can still register and email me a question. I'll answer your question in the order that you registered.
When you drop in for Office Hours, it's like attending a mini-workshop with me where you'll get to here an hour and a half worth of good advice for breaking free from all areas of the Nice Guy Syndrome. And you can't beat the price!
Upcoming Office Hours Sessions
Save 50% on all previously recorded Office Hours
Only Until 31 December
- Click the appropriate link below to register
- Enter the Office Hours product into your shopping cart
- Log into your account at drglover.com
- Enter coupon code HOLIDAYBLAST into your shopping cart
- Click "Apply Coupon"
- Complete check out
Saturday 22 December 1:00 PM PST (gmt -8)
Here are the times worldwide:
Chicago: 3:00 PM
NYC: 4:00 PM
London: 9:00 PM
Moscow: 12:00 AM (Sun)
Hong Kong: 5:00 AM (Sun)
Sydney: 8:00 AM (Sun)
Auckland: 10:00 AM (Sun)
Save 50% on prices listed below
VIP Registration for this session is no longer available
Click Here for Standard Registration for this session ($50 USD / $25 with discount)
How It Works
After you register for a session, you will receive a confirmation email, and a link to an Office Hours resource page will appear on your account page at drglover.com. This page will have the zoom-login link for the session. You will also receive an email about 24 hours before the session with login information. After the session, the recording will appear on the resource page.
Sorry, but we cannot issue refunds for missed sessions, so check the session times in your time zone. And, don’t email and ask me how people have already registered for a particular session.
See you soon in my office!
Purchase Recordings of Previous Office Hours Q&As
Click the links below to purchase recordings of previous Office Hours sessions:
Saturday 22 December 1:00 PM PST (gmt -8)
Dr. Glover replied to questions regarding:
- What to do when your girlfriend is confused and wants to get closure with an ex?
- When you've never been happy in your marriage and your wife says she wants a divorce, should you give it one last try?
- Understanding why we developed the Nice Guy paradigm in childhood and what to do when we are new to recovery.
- Distancing and pursuing in relationships. Can we play different roles in different relationships?
Saturday, 28 July, 2018
Dr. Glover replied to questions regarding:
- From someone new in Nice Recovery, how do you not be a Nice Guy without becoming a jerk?
- When you have a history of picking broken women and giving too much, how do you learn to take better care of self and set the tone in relationship?
- How to recover after a breakup when you have no motivation?
- How to stop projecting personal insecurities and fears onto wife?
- How to date around after being a serial-monogamist?
Saturday, 25 August, 2018
Dr. Glover replied to questions regarding:
- How to break free from Nice Guy Syndrome when your wife threatens you with divorce every time you stand up for yourself?
- How do you overcome shame so you can send your partner nasty text messages to create PET?
- How to "manage up" at work, overcome anxiety around authority figures, and stop avoiding and putting things off?
- If you plan to accomplish a lot in life is it better to avoid the distraction of women or make sure you marry a very calm, supportive woman?